As long as

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De: so lange wie



Gr: εφ'όσον, αρκεί να, υπό τον όρο να

It: fintanto che


Ro: Atâta timp cât

Tr: ... olduğu sürece

Pl: Tak długo jak, pod warunkiem

I don't care who you are, where you're long as you love me

De: Ich kümmere mich nicht wo du bist, wo du herkommst... so lange wie du mich liebst.



Gr: "Δε με νοιάζει ποιος είσαι, από πού είσαι...αρκεί να με αγάπας"

It: Dal momento che mi ami, io sono platino ... argento ... il tuo oro


Ro: "Nu-mi pasă cine ești, de unde ești... atâta timp cât mă iubești"

Tr: Beni sevdiğin sürece nereden olduğunu ya da kim olduğunu umursamıyorum.

Pl: Nie ważne kim jesteś, skąd pochodzisz... Pod warunkiem, że mnie kochasz

Backstreet Boys - As Long As You Love Me (1997)

As long as you love me, I'll be your platinum...your silver...your gold

De: So lange wie du mich liebst, werde ich dein Platin...dein silber...dein Gold sein.



Gr: "Εφ'όσον με αγαπάς, θα είμαι η πλατίνα...το ασήμι...ο χρυσός σου"

It: Dal momento che mi ami, io sono platino ... argento ... il tuo oro"


Ro: "Atâta timp cât mă iubești, voi fi platina ta, argintul tău, aurul tău"

Pl: Dopóki mnie kochasz, będę twoją platyną....Twoim srebrem.... Twoim złotem

Justin Bieber ft. Big Sean - As Long As You Love Me (2012)