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Es: ojo
Es: ojo
Et: silm
Fr: œil
Fr: œil

Revision as of 12:44, 15 May 2018


De: Auge

Es: ojo

Et: silm

Fr: œil

Gr: μάτι

It: occhio


Ro: Ochi

Tr: Göz

Pl: Oko

Ar: عين

It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight



Fr: c'est l'œil du tigre, le frisson du combat.

Gr: "Είναι το μάτι της τίγρης, είναι η συγκίνηση της μάχης"

It: è l'occhio della tigre che emoziona la lotta


Ro: "Este ochiul de tigru , este fiorul luptei"

Tr: "Bu aslan gözü.Mücadele ve heyecan verici"

Pl: "To tygrysie oko,to dreszcz walki"

Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger (1982)